PreFab Crows Nest

CLIENT: Parks Department, City of New York
LOCATION: South Street Seaport
DESIGN: Public Bathroom and Play Structure
Commissioned by the City of New York Parks Department, this prefab structure was built for the new Imagination Playground at the Lower East Side. Architectural elements from boats were included in the design hence the name “Crow’s Nest”. The structure serves as a vantage point allowing for children to play on the balcony and view the entire park. The crow’s nest also serves as the bathroom and storage facility for the playground.
The objective was to work within the budget and to be a ⅓ of the cost to fabricate the structure on site with NYC labor union. A challenge we faced was the transportation of the structure from our shop to its final destination. It naturally occurred to us to move it by water via barge, in the end we used a combination of tugboat, barge, water born cranes, land crane and a tractor trailer. Despite those added extra expense we were able to stay within the allocated budget.